Covens, Temples, and Teaching/Ritual Groups (Private)
- Isis Hathor, Montreal, Quebec, Traditional Wiccan Coven of the Isis Urania linneage.
- Northern Cougars Coven and Clan, Montreal, Quebec, a chartered Canadian Clans of the Black Forest Tradition.
Covens, Temples, and Teaching/Ritual Groups (Public)
- Crescent Moon School, Montreal, Quebec, A four-levelled program studying cultures and pantheons, history of religions, and cultural magical techniques.
- Montreal Reclaiming, Montreal, Quebec, a loose-knit group of people who resonate with Reclaiming witchcraft.
- Silver Roan Circle, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec, an eclectic group, with much emphasis on Green Witchcraft, and Kitchen Witchery.
- Wiccan Sacred Circle, Montreal, Quebec, offering bilingual classes and rituals in the Greenwood Celtic Shamanic Wiccan Tradition.