Kith and Kin (A Samhain Poem)

An echoing call
Ring out the bell
Like waves on the sea
Beyond the veil

A beacon that calls
The lantern's lit
To home and kin
Our sacred rit

That which was lost
We call once more
Draw back the veil
Throw wide the door

To laugh and tear
To food and wine
Mend aching hearts
Tonight we dine

With cheerful voice
Recite the tales
Sing out the songs
And lift the ales

Speak the words
Never spoke
Mend the wounds
Of kin and folk

Let loose the laughter
Free the tear
Be brave of heart
Speak without fear

Tonight they come
Tonight we call
In dark of night
To our great hall

Kith and kin
To you we hail
Our treasured past
We shall not fail.

Know you're loved
When you leave
Till one more year
This spell we weave



By: Greg Currie
October 31, 2013