Wiccan Church of Canada
Website: www.hamiltonwcc.ca
Location: The Sky Dragon Centre at 27 King William Street,
Hamilton, Ontario
Public classes: Saturdays at 4:30pm.
Public rituals: Saturdays at 8pm start time, 7:30pm gather time.
The goal of the Wiccan Church of Canada is threefold:
- First, to assist practicing Wiccans in achieving a spiritual balance that brings them into true harmony with the Gods.
- Second, to bring to the non-Wiccan population an understanding that we are a positive, reputable and life-affirming religious and lifestyle alternative.
- Third, to achieve for Wiccans the same rights and freedoms enjoyed by other more mainstream religions.
The Wiccan Church of Canada seeks to provide:
- Spiritual counselling
- Teaching
- Ritual
- Advocacy for Religious Freedoms
- Community Contacts