The Wica of the Ancient HarmonyThe Wicca of the Ancient Harmony

Location: Oshawa, Ontario

General Information:

The 'The Wicca of the Ancient Harmony', is an autonomous Wiccan Coven that was founded in Oshawa in September 2002ce. We are a Traditional, initiatory, Wiccan Coven expanding upon our Alexandrian heritage.

Somewhat more universal in our views we do not follow one specific culture or pantheon in our rituals. We honour the Great Mother of Life and Her consort the Horned God. We follow the cyclic and liturgical patterns of the earth, sun and planets to 'yoke' ourselves to these energy patterns and changes in accordance with the Hermetic Principle.

We strive to live and work our Magick to pass through the God and Goddess in all their names and faces in both our spiritual and mundane lives. The primary areas of focus within our Coven are of ongoing spiritual growth, Self-realization through personal experience with Deity, as well as the cultivation of compassion and personal-responsibility.

We are a closed Coven consisting of an Inner Circle of oath-bound Initiates as well as those Dedicated Novices training and working, in vowed secrecy, toward initiation.

As a Traditional hierarchically-based Coven, we do function under the Three Degrees of spiritual authority (Priest/ess or 1st Degree Initiate, High Priest/ess or 2nd Degree Initiate, and Elder or 3rd Degree Initiate), and we do maintain our Lineage.